Why Use us
Why Use us

Our mission is to publish and distribute your press releases to your target audience, journalists and blogers; increase your online visibility to produce guaranteed results:

  • Your press releases are published on news sites of newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations - guaranteed!
  • Your news releases are distributed and published on thousands of RSS feeds and blogs.
  • Journalists and your target audiences have acces to your press releases 24/7.
  • Your press releases are search engine optimized (SEO) with anchored keywords.
  • Your press releases are archived and indexed by all major search engines.
  • Your press releases are Web 2.0 enabled for viral distribution.
  • No extra charges on press release length with certain options.
  • Option to send unlimited press releases for a flat rate are available.
  • Get instant results with our instant news delivery.
  • Add video or images on your news releases at no extra charge.
  • Video and image distribution options are available with your news releases.
  • We are a media company - your news releases are distributed over our online media network.
  • Get guaranteed results with a clipping report  EmailWireClip™.
  • Best customer service. We are here to serve you: telephone consultation and support are available.
  • Please read our clients' testimonials.

Major Newswire Services:
Our proprietory distribution channels with major newswire services and GroupWeb Media Network enable your releases to reach or appear on thousands of websites of global, national and local newspapers, television and radio stations, online news sites, databases, intranets and extranets, blogs, social news networks, news aggregators and syndication services. Some of these syndicators include Moreover, Inform, Financial Content, Google News, News Knowledge, Topix, Lexis-Nexis, Europa Mdia Monitor (EU News Service), Factiva and many more. See sample press release distribution list.

Target Audience & Journalists:
Emailwire.com distributes your press releases online to reach your target audience. We reach your audience by industry or region with our online distribution. Wherther your target audience or journalists are local or global, they go online. A recent survey shows that both journalists and your potential clients go online for news, research and information:

  • 98% of journalists go online daily
  • 92% for article research
  • 81% to do searching
  • 76% to find new sources, experts
  • 73% to find press releases

  • On an average day, 68 million American adults go online
    • 30% use a search engine to find information
    • 27% get news
      Sources: Middleberg/Ross Survey and Pew Internet and American Life Project

News Delivery Methods:
EmailWire.com newswire services uses SEO, co-branding, sharing and bookmarking tools, RSS feeds, XML, NewsML, e-mail, FTP technology to distribute news releases to thousands of major newswires, vertical news sites, blogs and social networking news sites.

Search Engine Optimization:
All our press release distribution plans comes with the capability for your press release to be opitimized. EmailWire.Com allows you to post press releases with anchored texts. Our system also allows our clients to submit images and videos. Our news delivery system optimizes your releases to be indexed on Google news, Google Search, Yahoo Search, Altavista, Teoma, Ask, Live and other major search and news engines.  

Archive your release indefinitely: 
When we publish and distribute your press release, we archive it indefinitely. The same release remains searchable on all major search engines and thousands of other search engines -- including vertical portals.    

Get Results with EmailWireClip™ : 
After we distribute your release, we use EmailWireClip™ to produce a report that shows where online news sites have published your press release. See sample EmailWireClip™ report with 81 news sites carrying Orbit Ecommerce, Inc.'s press release that we distributed.

Check out our press release distribution list or sigup to post press releases.